How to Fight Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

Erik Simins
2 min readDec 23, 2020
Photo courtesy of Fauxels on Pexels.

As we are aware of the anti-police brutality protests in the U.S., people from all over the world have started their own conversations about racism online, at home, and in their workplaces.

Companies have begun to speak out about their own culture, how they may have failed BIPOC employees in the past, and what changes they can make to improve working conditions for BIPOC employees in the future.

I am from Canada, a very liberal and accepting country, but even still, I grew up surrounded by racism and seemingly normalized biased behaviours.

Why are racial generalizations typical in a society?

These generalizations are embedded deep inside our subconscious. No matter who you are and where you grew up — you have unconscious biases.

Unconscious bias refers to a prejudice in favour or against a thing, person, or group as compared to another, without factual evidence.

As human beings with conscious awareness, we will never achieve our full potential until we recognize there is a divide. By removing barriers like unconscious bias from the recruitment process, businesses can acquire better success rates by hiring the best talent.

According to a McKinsey & Company report from 2015, “companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35 per cent more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians”.

With diversity comes different opinions, ideas, and worldviews. A diverse team can offer your company better insights into your customer base, your client, and your company’s future.

However, Research from Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University, suggests despite diversity being a proven benefit to a company, it can be challenging to implement a strategy to diversify your workplace.

As a country focused on diversity and inclusion, we have to look at new ways to solve these issues. We need to connect the most qualified candidates to job opportunities best suited for their skills, expertise, and education.

With more and more candidates entering the job market and the number of applications per job post rising, there is more competition than ever before. Workwolf makes it easier for you to find qualified candidates without personal bias.

Removing bias in your hiring process is a must to acquire candidates who will bring you the most success in your company’s endeavours.

Visit Workwolf to learn more.

